
Wearing my Pump to an Industrial EBM Concert

Rave the Reqviem

At the beginning of August (2019), I packed a friend of mine into my car and we headed over to Oberhausen (Germany) to see Rave The Reqviem and the headliner Combichrist.

Kaleido on my Arm

I’d only had my pump for about a week at this point and had thought about putting a piece of Rock Tape over it but forgot as I ran out the door. Well, it survived the opening band just fine. However, when Andy LaPlegua tells people to smoosh together in front of him on stage and fucking move, well, you squish together and go ballistic.

Combichrist at the Kulttempel in Oberhausen

While the stickers with the velcro held onto the pump and my arm just fine, the velcro did NOT stay stuck. People kept bumping it off and I ended up having to hold in in place which made it really hard to dance.

Oh well, lesson learned. If you’re going anywhere a mosh pit or circle pit can form around you, put tape over your infusion spot and/or your pod pump.

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